Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Counting down the days

Tuesday Sept 15th. Its hard shutting down your life here for a month, but it is going to be so much fun. Dr.'s appointments for both of us this week, lots of church duties to handle little details for the conference happening this weekend. Tons of errands to gather everything we "think" we might need. Today I spent taking care of most of the gathering of "misc stuff" we will be needing. My house looks like a mess has exploded inside it, but after its all gathered, then I can "pack" it where it goes.
Funny thing happens to me, whenever I am "going away" somewhere. As I am packing, suddenly I find all these things around here to fix, sew, mend, clean, or chg litebulbs for. Guess this is a good thing, cause when I come home, the house is clean, and everything is in fine working order. hahaha
Lots of office work to stomp down also, so Todd can handle it when we are gone. He's great at repairing, but doesn't know the office end of things. So I'll just do all the bills I can, sign extra checks, and after that he just piles it for me to do when I return. Ugh!
Later in the week is where alot of my list has to happen. Like lawn work, call the paper & trash etc, so for now I am feeling pretty good today. Hope I haven't forgotten to put something on the list, cause that is what I am operating off of.
Time to go to dinner, more later.

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