Friday, September 25, 2009

2 days to set sail.

Just a note, it would be nice if some of the followers would identify yourselves. Some are obvious and others are not. Just reply in comments please. Gary

Was having so much fun last nite due to the neighborhood picnic Mandi & Mark thru, so I am having to due the post this morning for yesterday. Sorry.
Yesterday, again the kids came to get us about 8:30 am. And the fun begins. Lots of games.
Then we got to go to Reeds Lake for our picnic with Mark. Picked up Wendy's, and they miesses up the order several ways. Mandi caught 2 mistakes, but missed the fact they goofed on Cales cheeseburger, and gave him nuggets. He was NOT a happy camper.
Afterwards we played football, and threw the new fisbieball around. It was sunny and cool, so we stayed more than an hour. Then we toured Grand Rapids checking out the Art Contest pieces. Then picked up a part for Mandi's dryer at !st Source here in town. Gary was happy to use his "Appliance Guy" number for a hugh discount. Today they will put it on so she doesn't need to run the loads 2 times to dry the cloths.
Mandi and I will take some of the kids with us and we are going garage ssling. (She is sitting with 2 other kids today.) The rest of the kids will stay with grandpa. The boys and grandpa just went on a 2 1/2 mile bike ride. Our party last nite was a hit. About !/2 the neighborhood came, and we BBQ's hotdogs. Some brought dessert. and other things. Missed Survivor, but I will watch it on line last nite.
More later.
Luv BJ

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having a great time! So happy that you guys are getting to do this!
