Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First nite on the road

we decided tp knock off early tonight, for 2 reasons.  1. we are tired. & 2. we forgot about the time change, and we gained an hour, but oh well.  I need to NOT SIT ANYMORE TODAY.
Speaking of today, we almost got tangled up with 3 semi's and 3 deer and us all being in the time and space.  It all worked out well, no wrecks, and no big injuries, except 1 of the deer limped off after 1 semi clipped her..  Whew!
Driving along and one of the radio stations out here played "Lonely looks good on her" by the David Holland Band.  This is Todd's band.
Called Todd to tell him, and found out they were going to intersect at Liberal with us, on their way back from a ski trip this past weekend, the same time we were, so we got to meet for lunch at McDonalds.  Woohoo!
And whoever says Ks is flat?  Its not out here!
Ended up at Days Inn In Tucumcari, NM for the night.  Had a good steak dinner across the street, and now enjoying our down time, and computer, lap pad, and Ipod.  Think I will shower and be ready to stretch out and watch some tv and then sleep before another fun day!  Nite nite .

1 comment:

  1. Watching your trip. I'm envious - wish I was wt/you. Be safe and have fun!
