That storm front, that marched across Arkansas, thursday nite, was pretty awesome. We got anchored as best we could, off to the side of the river, and double & triple tied lines on sails and anything we could find to tie everything down. Then we removed all glass and breakable stuff from up top, like the solar charger, and lantern, and instruments. I mentioned at the last minute that I was worried about the 2 front windows over our bed, and whether they could stand up with the hail, and Gary said oh yeah, well lets tie the seat cushion preservers on them, and I grabbed the duct tape. Naturally, we did both, and it did work, cause the windows were saved during the hail we did get. Also got heavy rain with the hail for about 10 minutes, and lots of heavy wind, but no tornadoes. Boy was it noisy in there! God spared us!
Yesterday was still so windy, we decided to take a day off, and save the battering, and extra gas consumption of going upstream to water and wind both. Watched DVD's all day. Sorry we were in a bad cell phone area, so no calls, and no blog.
This morning we got up to sunshine and light winds, so we headed out to Little Rock, about 15 miles. As I was getting the inside ready to travel, and Gary was doing the outside, I ask once why he was moving all that stuff on the back, with no answer at the time. latter he told me he had a snake back there by the motor on the boat, and after that one left, he checked to make sure he didn't have any friends with him. Euuuwwww
Another funny thing happened at the first lock today. We were waiting for this monster tug & barge rig to get thru the lock coming our way, so then we could go thru. And when this happens we have to doodle around on the land side water, inside arm of the lock, instead of out in the spillway and damn water. So we doodled for 1 1/2 hr, and then a voice on the radio called "that little sailboat" and told us to just scoot on in the lock cause the tug was coming out. And Gary replied "ok, as soon as the tug gets out of there"(thinking it was the lock master). And then the voice boomed "I AM THE TUG! We laughed so hard, our sides hurt. First it reminded me what it must feel like if God to spoke to us, and next I thought about that joke with the captain telling the light up ahead to bear off his course. And the light saying no you bear off, and then the ship captain saying "I am so & so, and I comand you to choose another course." And the light coming back with, "THIS IS THE LIGHTHOUSE, AND ADVISE YOU TO CHANGE YOUR COURSE!"
Ok, enough for me, this was my first time to enter. Gary finially trusted me.. hahaha
He will add the picutre of the windows with the cushions taped on.
love to all, and its ok to comment on these blogs. Love to hear from home Vickii.
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